A proof-of-concept to digitise and create a more dynamic process for learning how to operate a safe.
Taking the step by step process from a user guide and dragging it into the 21st century to create a simple e-learning exercise to learn and refresh knowledge of the process. One particular hurdle with this was Adobe Captivate functionality of the rotate function, which maxes out at 360 degrees of rotation, with the process requiring multiple rotations. Timing and stacking of multiple rotations actions provided the resolution.
Sections of an e-learning package created using Adobe Captivate, and deployed on a Moodle-based online learning portal.
Designed in association with SMEs in the specific lesson content and learning objectives for the organisation, and developed as a proof of concept to increase cross-organisational buy-in, we took an existing in-class lesson powerpoint and revised and refreshed the design, and added dynamic lesson activities and quizzes as a knowledge check.